Laying in the bed at night, when a girl thinks about her day, there are a lot of thoughts that go through her mind. She has a habit of rethinking every moment of the day, the good things and the bad. The whole day flashes right in front of her eyes. So, you can easily say, a girl lives each day twice. Every good thing that happens to her, she gets to enjoy twice, and all the things that hurt her, have an impact even deeper. The society we live in gives us may such moments. Some to lift us to the sky and some to break us down. We remember every sight that falls on us, every compliment we get, similarly every insult and criticism stay in our minds forever. Especially if it is about the way we look. Most of us girls are very much conscious about our appearance and presentability. We love dressing up, applying makeup, and trying to look the best versions of ourselves. But then, when we get criticized on our looks, we get hurt the most.

The worst thing about these criticisms is that they mostly happen on things we have no control on. Like our skin complexion. The mentality of our society makes us believe that a fair complexion is the only thing that matters for a girl, in her looks as well as in everything related to her life. Girls with dark complexion mostly face many complications in their social circle. They are bullied for carrying some extra Melanin in their skin. When she goes to college, she is left out of group activities, when she goes for work, she is considered to be less capable than others. Somehow, our society has established this huge taboo, that if a girl has a dark complexion, she is depressed, hopeless, and the kind of person who cannot achieve anything in life.
While there are many people around trying to tell us the same thing in one way or the other, women need to be comfortable in their skin and color. A dark or light complexion should never be the reason you refrain from following your dreams, taking part in an activity, or simply having to reconsider going to a gathering. While we promote the owning and cherishing of one’s natural looks and features, we also believe that a person should still maintain a healthy and clean appearance. A presentable look is much different from throwing yourself under the society standards and beautifying yourself with a whitening cream or foundation but rather it is about giving yourself the confidence boost with skincare products.
Now if you are confusing skincare with makeup, you need to realize that makeup is like wearing accessories, but the other is like maintaining a healthy body. Health always comes first. Your skin is an essential part of your body and you need to make sure you are taking the right nutrients and using the right products to make it stays fit. Skincare is not about impressing others but more about self-love. When you love yourself, you take care of everything in your body and soul.
Here, we tell you a few easy ways to take care of your skin and to maintain a fresh face.
- The first step to clear skin is to make sure you get rid of all the impurities and extra oil on your face. Use a good cleanser or face wash. A good Acne Facewash can also help get rid of impurities buried deep in your skin that turned into stingy acne.
- You may often notice your face getting dull and rough. An exfoliator can be used once a week to help keep the pores clean and remove the dead cells from your face. If you have oily skin, you can always use an oil-free scrub and apply it gently to your face to prevent any irritation.
- To feed the right nutrients to your skin, use a rich serum that suits your type. A good serum is like coffee to your face. It is like waking up your skin from the dull sleep. It is designed to treat specific issues like acne, dryness, wrinkles, etc. so you can always choose one that you need.
- Moisturizing is an especially important part of the skincare routine as it gives your skin the hydration it needs and keep your it young. A good moisturizer can help in making your skin wrinkle-free and prevent the fine lines.
- You probably must have heard it a lot but let us repeat it. Sun protection is NOT an option. The best sunscreen to use can be the one with SPF 15 or higher. Apply it before you do your makeup in the morning and if possible, re-apply it after a few hours for better protection.
- You can always use a BB Cream that gives you light coverage and takes care of the moisturizing, hiding lines, and protection of the skin. A tinted moisturizer can be your friend if you want to give yourself a more refined look when stepping out without having to use heavy cosmetics.
This routine can help you get a clean and clear face that makes you feel good about yourself rather than trying to impress others. It is not a tool for attraction but for building self-worth, yet still, it seems to catch the eye of everyone. A good appearance never has to go by the standards of the society but by one’s satisfaction. A good skincare routine can help you retain a beautiful appearance for years if you are consistent. It can give you the courage, confidence, and self-boost you need to tackle the unnecessary pressure of the society. You are most beautiful in your skin; you just need to prioritize taking care of yourself before anything else.